Our Wildlife/Forestry Specialist, Levi Arnold, has become certified as a Passport to Fishing instructor by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Through the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District, Levi is available to teach this class interested groups of adults or children. The district does not charge for this service.
The Passport to Fishing program provides skills, techniques and information that allows any beginning angler to start fishing in their own community. The program consists of four stations focusing on hands-on participation and a strong conservation message.
The Passport to Fishing program is designed to be:
---Appealing to various age and interest groups
---Adjustable to highlight activities and species unique to a particular region
---Appropriate to any skill and education level
---Adaptable to any setting whether inside or at the water's edge
---Can be taught throughout the year
Please call 740-435-0408 to talk with Levi about scheduling a program with your group. Levi is also available to speak on a variety of natural resource conservation topics; whether on wildlife, forestry or water quality.
Mission: Promote, through education and technical assistance, the sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Triple Crown Blackberry - 8th in a series
Triple Crown is named for its three attributes; flavor, productivity and vigor. This very hardy variety offers two other attributes; disease resistance and very large berries. The thornless blackberry ripens for about one month from end of July thru August. Semi-erect, the canes can be trellised or pruned in summer to an easy picking height of 42". Space plants 5 feet apart in prepared garden beds 5 feet' wide. The large size, dark coloring and rich taste of triple crown blackberries make them as desirable to grow as their thornless stems, resistance to disease and five weeks of fruiting each year. As your plants become established you can expect to see lush fruiting year after year.
Triple Crown is offered in our tree sale, going on now. You will receive 3 sturdy plants, ready to produce fruit later this year. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Blue-green algae invades inland lakes
Josh Britton is the watershed specialist for Harrison and Carroll Soil & Water Conservation Districts. He has a bachelor of science in biology from Mount Vernon Nazarene University and a master of environmental science from Taylor University. He can be reached by calling either 740-942-8837 or 330-627-9852, or by email at josh.britton@hswcd.org
Talk of the quality of the water in our lakes and streams has been growing over the past several years, especially with regard to Harmful Algal Blooms.
If the recent events in Toledo and the Lake Erie region are any indication, it is a discussion that is going to continue to grow. Harmful Algal Blooms are massive growths of microscopic organism. These organisms are not technically algae, but a type of photosynthetic bacteria known as blue-green algae or cyanobacteria.
What sets HAB species apart from other types of blue-green algae is that they have the ability to produce toxins. The toxins produced from HAB are more toxic than cyanide and can affect neurological functions and cause liver damage or skin reactions. For reasons unknown, a severe HAB does not always produce high concentrations of the toxins. While these species of cyanobacteria are normal in our lakes and streams, the issue arises when their populations explode.
Things such as warm weather and lots of rain can increase the likelihood of a severe bloom occurring. While we can’t control weather related factors there is one factor we can control. Like any living thing, blue-green algae need nutrients in order to grow and to thrive. Therefore, by reducing the nutrient input into our waterways — especially phosphorus — we can reduce or prevent HAB from occurring.
By now we have all probably heard about the major problems HABs have caused at Grand Lake-St Mary’s, Buckeye Lake, and most recently, Lake Erie, where the water supply to the city of Toledo was shut down for two days in early August. However, HAB aren’t limited to other parts of the state and could easily become a major issue in our own inland lakes.
Over the past several years, monitoring done by the Ohio Lake Management Society has found these cyanobacteria in many lakes throughout the eastern Ohio. The good news is that levels of toxins in the water have remained low throughout this time, never reaching a level warranting the closing of any beaches or lakes, or shutting down water use in the region.
Accompanying this discussion of HAB is finger pointing: who is to blame for the situation we find ourselves in? Oftentimes that finger ends up pointing at the agricultural community. In reality, it is a complex system.
Nutrients, especially phosphorus, are coming from wastewater treatment plants, broken septic systems, lawn fertilizers, and urban runoff. They are coming from farms, in the form of fertilizer runoff and livestock waste. Instead of trying to pass the blame or argue about how much our farms are contributing, we need to take this opportunity to make the changes to reduce agricultures input of nutrients into our waterways.
The good news is that the changes that are good for water quality are also good for our farms. Every pound of phosphorous that ends up in the stream is a pound not available for your crop. Livestock drinking from clean water sources will be larger and healthier, bringing more money when sold.
If you are ready to begin looking at the changes that can be made on your farm, stop by your county’s Soil and Water Conservation District or Natural Resource Conservation Service offices. We can provide technical or financial assistance to implement many practices to improve water quality.
Let’s work together and ensure that agriculture does its part to reduce the nutrients heading to our lakes and streams. Together, we can ensure the quality of our lakes and streams and better our farms at the same time.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Many Conservation Options Now Available for Ohio Farmers
COLUMBUS, OH, Feb. 20, 2015 – Ohio farmers have until March 20, 2015, to apply for financial assistance to improve natural resources on their land. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service in Ohio designated several focus areas for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds that will go to successful applicants.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding is available for farmers in Ohio’s portion of the Great Lakes watershed to apply conservation practices that improve water and soil quality or provide wildlife habitat. Farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin also have the option of focusing on creating honey bee habitat with conservation practices such as planting certain types of cover crops or planting bee-friendly field borders.
All Ohio farmers can apply for assistance to fund energy conserving practices on the farm. Using more energy-efficient fixtures and equipment for animal housing or reducing fuel consumption through precision agriculture not only saves natural resources, but can also result in significant cost savings for the farmer.
Seasonal high tunnels are another conservation practice available to farmers state-wide. Increasingly popular with specialty crop growers, these structures and the management practices used to grow crops in them can improve soil health, improve irrigation efficiency, and help control pests. From a production standpoint, seasonal high tunnels allow for planting earlier in the spring and harvesting later in the fall.
Organic farmers or farmers interested in transitioning into organic production can also apply for EQIP regardless of the farm location. While organic farmers can also apply for other EQIP funding, the probability of receiving funding increases because only organic farmers compete for these funds. All applications for EQIP are ranked for their environmental benefit; those providing the most benefit receive the highest priority for funding.
Applications for EQIP submitted by entities, such as farmers applying as a corporation, must have a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number and an active SAM (System for Award Management) registration status when applying, a process that may take several weeks. Applications cannot be processed without this information. Information on obtaining a DUNS number and registering with SAM is posted at www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/farmbill
For more information about EQIP or other technical or financial assistance programs offered by NRCS, please contact your local service center here in Cambridge at 740-432-5621.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Sierra Blueberry - 7th in a Series
Sierra sets fruit in early mid-season, producing very large, sweet berries with outstanding lighter colored berries with extremely good flavor. The berries are very firm and will keep in a refrigerator for up to 10 days with no flavor lost. They also freeze well in just a plastic container. The plant has an upright open growth, 4 to 6 feet tall, with red and orange fall colors. The vigorous, fast growing bush is adaptable to many soil types and makes an excellent selection for hedgerows. Sierra's distinctively flat, quarter-sized berries are borne on loose clusters over the outer periphery of the bush.
Sierra is offered in our tree sale. You will receive 3 sturdy plants with several branches in a 4" peat pot for $15.00
Sierra is offered in our tree sale. You will receive 3 sturdy plants with several branches in a 4" peat pot for $15.00
Fungi in the woodlands (Ten Tales of the Kingdom Fungi)
DOVER, OHIO - James Chatfield,Associate Professor with OSU Extension in the Dept. of Horticulture & Crip Science and the Dept of Plant Pathology, President of the International Ornamental Crab Apple Society will be the featured speaker at the March 4, 7 PM meeting of the East Central Ohio Forestry Association (ECOFA). His program will be on woodland fungi.
ECOFA is an organization of persons interested in improving their woodlands and in forestry-related topics. The public is cordially invited to attend the free meetings which are held monthly at the Dover Library, 525 North Walnut St. Dover, Ohio
Friday, February 20, 2015
6th in a Series - Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
A deciduous tree from the Walnut Family (Juglandaceae)
Black Walnut, a rapidly growing tree common in all of Ohio, is most common in moist bottomlands and open fields, but is found everywhere due to squirrels burying its nuts. Its beautiful, fine-grained, chocolate-brown, relatively lightweight heartwood is the ultimate choice for making solid wood furniture, interior trim, gunstocks, and high-quality veneer. The large nut contained beneath the husks of Black Walnut is round and can be cracked open to expose the bittersweet, oily, and highly nutritious kernel.
A native of the Eastern, Midwestern, and Great Plains regions of the United States, Black Walnut is a pioneer invader tree in open fields or cut-over woodlots, and grows rapidly in youth. It displays an irregular and open growth habit when young, dividing into several spreading branches that give it an upright rounded shape as it matures. Its bold winter texture makes it an outstanding tree to observe during the dormant season. This tree may easily grow to 70 feet tall by 70 feet wide when it is found in the open. As a member of the Walnut Family, it is related to other Walnuts and to the Hickories.
Planting Requirements - Black Walnut prefers deep, moist, rich, well-drained soils under sunny conditions, especially the bottomlands of rivers and streams. It also tolerates relatively dry, poor soils, but with a significantly reduced growth rate. Seedlings and saplings are notorious for having a single, very deep taproot that makes transplanting difficult. Black Walnut grows in full sun to partial sun, and is found in zones 4 to 9.
Potential Problems - Aside from leaf spot, Black Walnut is virtually disease and pest free. However, it is famous for the production by its roots of juglone, a chemical that is toxic to some nearby competitor plants. In a woodland setting, very few plants grow under the canopy of this species. When summer drought occurs, the response of this tree is to begin dropping leaves, in spite of its deep taproot system. In an urban setting, a constant rain of leaflets, rachises, dead twigs, stain-laden whole fruits, and debris from squirrel feeding occurs from mid-summer until late autumn, presenting a constant clean-up chore and mowing hazard.
The Black Walnut is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other seedlings include White Pine, Chinquapin Oak, Hazelnut, Red Bud, and Flowering Dogwood. Also available this year are 2 varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer. And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Native Landscaping for Birds, Bees, Butterflies, and Other Wildlife
Kathi L. Borgmann, Graduate Associate; Amanda D. Rodewald, State Extension Specialist, Wildlife
Throughout the world, habitat loss is the leading cause of species endangerment and extinction. In the Midwest, a large portion of the land has been cleared due to agricultural and urbanization pressures, leaving marginal and fragmented habitats. Consequently, backyards play an increasingly important role in wildlife conservation. You can help reduce the negative effects of habitat loss on birds, bees, butterflies, and other wildlife species in your area by creating a favorable landscape. Providing wildlife-friendly habitat in urban and suburban areas is especially important for migrating birds and butterflies. These groups of animals also are least likely to cause nuisance or damage problems.Landscaping with native trees and shrubs
A wildlife-friendly landscape is composed of four essential items: 1) food, 2) water, 3) cover or shelter, and 4) a place to raise young. To provide the most beneficial habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies, native trees and shrubs should be emphasized. Why native species? Native plants are adapted to local conditions and, therefore require less maintenance (especially irrigation and fertilization). Native plants also provide the best quality resources because wildlife species are adapted to use native plants. Planting native species also maintains the natural diversity of flora and fauna in the area.Exotic plants can threaten other plant and animal species. Several exotic plants have escaped from garden cultivation and are now causing serious damage to natural areas and preserves. Examples of highly invasive exotic plants include multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), bush honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Lonicera morrowii, and Lonicera tatarica), garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), asian bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), privet (Ligustrum vulgare), japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and dame's rocket (Potamogeton crispus). A complete list of problem exotic species can be obtained from ODNR Division of Natural Resources (http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/odnr/dnap/dnap.html) and the Ohio Chapter of The Nature Conservancy (http://www.tnc.org). Avoid choosing horticultural varieties when possible because altered varieties may not be appropriate for growing conditions of Ohio nor provide the best resources for wildlife.
Before you start landscaping your yard, plan ahead. Map your backyard and determine what environmental conditions you have (i.e., soil conditions and amount of sun). To provide optimal habitat for a diverse array of species in your backyard, choose a variety of trees and shrubs of varying heights to mimic natural forest structure. You will want to plant a few different species of canopy trees, along with fruiting shrubs of various shapes and sizes. Choose plants that provide habitat or resources at different times of the year. For example, conifer trees provide cover and warmth during the winter, whereas fruiting trees provide seasonal food resources. When choosing fruiting shrubs, select species that produce fruits at different times of the year to ensure that food is available throughout the season. In addition, many of the fruiting shrubs display large fragrant flowers that add to the attractiveness of your yard.
What Should I Plant?
Below is a list of recommended native Ohio trees and shrubs you can plant to create a wildlife friendly backyard.Species | Wildlife Benefits1 | Soil Conditions2 | Light Conditions3 |
Boxelder (Acer negundo) | W, B, BF | W - D, V | SU - LS |
Black Maple (Acer nigrum) | W, B | M, AK | LS |
Red Maple (Acer rubrum) | W, B | W - D, V | LS - SH |
Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) | W, B | M, V | SU - LS |
Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra)* | W, B, BF | W - M, AC | SU - LS |
Paw Paw (Asimina triloba)*· | W, BFL | M - D | SU - LS |
Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata) | W, B | M - D | SU - LS |
Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa) | W, B | M - D | SU - LS |
Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)* | W, B, BFL | V, L, AK | SU |
Red Bud (Cercis canadensis)* | BE, HB, BF | M - D, V | SU - SH |
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)*· | W, B, BFL | M - D | SU - LS |
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) | W, B | M - D, AC | SU - LS |
Red or Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) | W, B | W - M, V | SU - LS |
Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos)* | W, B, BE | V | SU - LS |
Common Juniper (Juniperus communis)· | W, B | D, V | SU |
Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)· | W, B | M - D, AK - AC | SU |
Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera)* | HB, BFL | W - M | LS - SH |
Sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana)*· | W, B | M - D, V | SU - SH |
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)*· | W, B | M | SU |
White Pine (Pinus strobus) | W, B | M - D, AC | SU - LS |
Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) | W, B, BF | W - M | SU |
Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)*· | HB, BFL, B | M, V | SU - LS |
Common Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)*· | W, B, BF | M - D, N | SU |
White Oak (Quercus alba) | W, B | M - D, V | SU |
Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea) | W, B, BFL | D | SU - LS |
Red Oak (Quercus rubra) | W, B, BFL | M - D, AC | SU - LS |
Black Oak (Quercus velutina) | W, B, BFL | M - D, AC, V | SU |
Canadian Yew (Taxus canadensis)· | W, B | W - M | SU - SH |
American Basswood (Tilia americana) | B, BE | M, AK, AC | SU - LS |
Shrubs | |||
Black Chokecherry (Aronia melanocarpa)*· | W, B | D, AC | SU - LS |
Cockspur Hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli)*· | W, B | M - D, V | SU |
Thicket Hawthorn (Crataegus punctata)*· | W, B | M - D, V | SU |
Washington Hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum)*· | W, B, BF | W - M | SU |
Dogwood (Cornus Spp.) [Red-osier (C. stolonifera), Silky (C. obliqua), Pagoda (C. alternifolia), and Gray (C. racemosa)]*· | W, B, BFL | W - M | SU - LS |
Burning Bush (Euonymus atropurpureus)* | W, B | M � D | SU - SH |
Running Strawberry Bush (Euonymus obovatus)* | W, B | M - D | SU - SH |
Common Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)*· | W, B | M - D, AC | SU - LS |
Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin)*· | W, B, BF, BFL | M, V | SU - SH |
Common Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)*· | W | W - D, AC, AK | SU - LS |
Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra)*· | W, B, BF | M - D | SU |
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)*· | W, B, BF | M, D, W | SU - LS |
Bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia)* | W, BE | M - D | SU - SH |
Maple-leaf Viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium)*· | W, B | M - D, AC | SU - SH |
Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum)*· | B | M, AC, V | SU - LS |
Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago)*· | W, B | M - D | SU - SH |
Blackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium)*· | W, B | D, AK | SH |
* flowering species · fruiting species valuable to wildlife and/or birds 1 Food and/or cover provided for; W = wildlife, B = birds, BF = butterflies, BFL = butterfly larva, BE = bees, HB = hummingbirds 2 W = wet, M = moist, D = dry, N = neutral soils, AK = alkaline soils, AC = acidic soils, CA = calcareous soils, L = limestone, V = adaptable to a variety of soil conditions 3 SU = sun, LS = light shade, SH = shade |
Beware of Exotic Species
- Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora)
- Privet (Ligustrum vulgare)
- Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Lonicera tatarica, Lonicera morrowii)
- Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)
- Russian Olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
- European Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)
Additional Resources
Online Resources
- National Wildlife Federation—http://www.nwf.org
Provides helpful information on creating backyard wildlife habitat and provides certification - OhioLine—http://ohioline.osu.edu Native Plants Bulletin—http://ohioline.osu.edu/b865/index.html
- National Audubon Society—http://www.audubon.org/
- Ohio Department of Natural Resources—http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/
Division of Natural areas—http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/odnr/dnap
Division of Wildlife 1-800-WILDLIFE http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/wildlife/resources/
Provides information on backyard wildlife habitat
Division of Forestry—http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/odnr/forestry.htm
You can purchase several native trees and shrubs from the Division - Birdsource—http://www.birdsource.org/
Information on creating backyard wildlife habitat as well as information on the great backyard bird count.
The great backyard bird count is an excellent way to contribute to bird conservation and research. Feb. 15-18th - Environmental Protection Agency Green Acres Program—http://www.epa.gov/grtlakes/greenacres/
Information on native plants of OH; growing conditions, where to purchase, etc.
Go Native—Gardening with Native Plants and Wildflowers in the Lower Midwest by Carolyn HarstadLandscaping with Wildflowers and Native Plants by William Wilson
Peterson's Guide to Eastern Birds
The Birds of Ohio by Bruce Peterjohn
Peterson's Guide to Eastern Trees and Shrubs by George A. Petrides
The Woody Plants of Ohio by Lucy Braun
Newcomb's Wildflower Guide by Lawrence Newcomb
Benefits of Native Landscaping
Retrieved from: http://ohioline.osu.edu/w-fact/0013.html on 02/18/15
Invasive Species,
Natural Resources,
Public Outreach
It is still on for tonight, No Matter The Weather!!!
Please join us for our
Wednesday, FEB. 18th
6 P.M.
@ the OSU Extension
335-B Old National
Old Washington, OH
Make a Difference In
Guernsey County!!
If attending Please call:
GSWCD: 740-435-0408
OSU Extension: 740-489-5300
OFSWCD meeting next Monday and Tuesday
The Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ (OFSWCD) 72nd annual conservation partnership conference, “Built on Strength, Sustained with Passion” will take place on February 23-24, 2015 at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Columbus.
This year’s event was developed by the OFSWCD with partners: Ohio Association of Soil and Water Conservation District Employees (OASWCDE), Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Soil and Water Resources, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). The event will draw 400+ leaders, partners, educators, local are engaged in conservation stewardship activities including the delivery of programs and practices impacting our land and water resources.
Highlighting this year’s event is Guest Speaker, Chad Pregracke, CEO and founder of Living Lands and Waters, a non-profit organization focused on the protection, preservation and restoration of the natural environment of the nation’s major rivers and their watersheds. In 2013, Chad was recognized as CNN’s “Hero of the Year” for his amazing efforts! The event will include a panel discussion on water quality efforts involving Dean Bruce McPherson from The Ohio State University, Dr. Jeff Reutter of Ohio Sea Grant, and Dr. Larry Antosch of the Ohio Farm Bureau. In addition, a diverse array of training workshops are planned along with the Tuesday’s conservation awards luncheon.
The OFSWCD is pleased and honored to announce Farm Credit Services of Mid-America (FCS) as this year’s event sponsor. Throughout its’ 100+ years, FCS has left a positive impact on the lives of the farming community and rural landowners assisted through FCS financial programs and opportunities. Over the last 7 years, FCS has been a key supporter of Ohio’s 88 county SWCDs efforts, including the sponsorship of the county “Cooperator of the Year” program, along with the “State Cooperator of the Year”, who will be announced at this year’s awards luncheon on Tuesday.
“Farm Credit Services of Mid-America has promoted Ohio’s conservation efforts for many years, long before the sponsorship of the Cooperator program,” stated OFSWCD President Joe Glassmeyer. “We are thrilled to have their partnership as we strive to keep our soils productive and our waters clean.”
Also new to this year’s event are Silver Sponsors and trade show vendors, Buckeye Soil Solutions and Conservation Services, Inc.
*Buckeye Soil Solutions is an advocate for promoting cover crops as an integral component of every farms overall operating plan. They focus on timely, efficient and effective custom application of cover crops, provide consultation for all experience level farmers, offer seed sales, and customer application, in addition to both designing and building machines dedicated application in an effort to ensure even and accurate distribution of seed while maintaining minimal crop disturbance.
Conservation Services, Inc. is a hardwood tree planting contractor. They specialize in the installation and maintenance of hardwood tree planting projects including riparian buffers, wetland mitigation banks, wetland restoration projects, stream mitigation banks, stream restoration projects, and more. Their business is the successful installation of your hardwood forest.
To learn more about this year’s Annual Conservation Partnership meeting, our various sponsors and/or the many specialty trade show vendors, visit www.ofswcd.org or contact the OFSWCD at 614.784.1900.
— Ohio Federation of Water and Soil Conservation
This year’s event was developed by the OFSWCD with partners: Ohio Association of Soil and Water Conservation District Employees (OASWCDE), Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Soil and Water Resources, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). The event will draw 400+ leaders, partners, educators, local are engaged in conservation stewardship activities including the delivery of programs and practices impacting our land and water resources.
Highlighting this year’s event is Guest Speaker, Chad Pregracke, CEO and founder of Living Lands and Waters, a non-profit organization focused on the protection, preservation and restoration of the natural environment of the nation’s major rivers and their watersheds. In 2013, Chad was recognized as CNN’s “Hero of the Year” for his amazing efforts! The event will include a panel discussion on water quality efforts involving Dean Bruce McPherson from The Ohio State University, Dr. Jeff Reutter of Ohio Sea Grant, and Dr. Larry Antosch of the Ohio Farm Bureau. In addition, a diverse array of training workshops are planned along with the Tuesday’s conservation awards luncheon.
The OFSWCD is pleased and honored to announce Farm Credit Services of Mid-America (FCS) as this year’s event sponsor. Throughout its’ 100+ years, FCS has left a positive impact on the lives of the farming community and rural landowners assisted through FCS financial programs and opportunities. Over the last 7 years, FCS has been a key supporter of Ohio’s 88 county SWCDs efforts, including the sponsorship of the county “Cooperator of the Year” program, along with the “State Cooperator of the Year”, who will be announced at this year’s awards luncheon on Tuesday.
“Farm Credit Services of Mid-America has promoted Ohio’s conservation efforts for many years, long before the sponsorship of the Cooperator program,” stated OFSWCD President Joe Glassmeyer. “We are thrilled to have their partnership as we strive to keep our soils productive and our waters clean.”
Also new to this year’s event are Silver Sponsors and trade show vendors, Buckeye Soil Solutions and Conservation Services, Inc.
*Buckeye Soil Solutions is an advocate for promoting cover crops as an integral component of every farms overall operating plan. They focus on timely, efficient and effective custom application of cover crops, provide consultation for all experience level farmers, offer seed sales, and customer application, in addition to both designing and building machines dedicated application in an effort to ensure even and accurate distribution of seed while maintaining minimal crop disturbance.
Conservation Services, Inc. is a hardwood tree planting contractor. They specialize in the installation and maintenance of hardwood tree planting projects including riparian buffers, wetland mitigation banks, wetland restoration projects, stream mitigation banks, stream restoration projects, and more. Their business is the successful installation of your hardwood forest.
To learn more about this year’s Annual Conservation Partnership meeting, our various sponsors and/or the many specialty trade show vendors, visit www.ofswcd.org or contact the OFSWCD at 614.784.1900.
— Ohio Federation of Water and Soil Conservation
Natural Resources,
Public Outreach,
water quality
Soils aren't damaged from cover crop grazing, USDA research finds
A USDA Scientist in North Carolina has found a way to encourage more growers to use cover crops in the Southeastern United States – allow cattle to graze on them.
Read rest of article HERE
Read rest of article HERE
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
5th in a Series - Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Flowering Dogwood, found throughout all of Ohio and the entire eastern half of the United States, is one of the most popular ornamental trees, with four-season appeal. Showy early spring flowers are the yearly highlight, but red fruits and crimson foliage in autumn, large floral buds and checkered bark in winter, and year-round layered branching add to its appeal. Historically, the hard, close-grained wood of Flowering Dogwood was used to make shuttles for weaving in the textile industry. As an understory and woodland edge tree, its early spring blossoms stand out in forests before the leaves take over. It may also be found as a single or multi-trunked tree in open fields, where it may reach 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide.
Planting Requirements - Flowering Dogwood strongly prefers evenly moist, well-drained, fertile, deep soils of acidic pH, in partial sun. It grudgingly adapts to lesser conditions, and in urban environments it often is sited in poor, dry, rocky, clay soils of alkaline pH, in full sun. Under such conditions it may become weak and stunted, and be much more prone to attack by diseases and pests. It is found in zones 5 to 9, in full sun to full shade.
Potential Problems - Flowering Dogwood suffers tremendously from a number of pathogens and pests. The most important diseases are leaf and stem anthracnose (a serious and often fatal problem in the northeastern United States), leaf powdery mildew (mostly a cosmetic concern), and trunk canker (which will sometimes kill individual trunks, or cause large wounds that are slow to heal). The most important pest is the dogwood borer, which can kill trees outright, especially those under stress (as in severe drought to established trees, but more commonly newly transplanted trees that are not adequately watered). Siting new seedlings, saplings, or large balled and burlapped trees in deep, acidic soils with supplemental organic matter that aids in good drainage, and keeping the tree watered for the first two years of its establishment do wonders for tree health.
The Flowering Dogwood is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other seedlings include White Pine, Chinquapin Oak, Black Walnut, Red Bud, and Hazelnut. Also available this year are 2 varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer. And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Friday, February 13, 2015
4th in a Series - Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
A deciduous tree from the Bean Family (Fabaceae)
Redbud, also known as Eastern Redbud or Judas Tree, is abundant in the southern two-thirds of Ohio, with scattered distribution in the northern one-third of the state . It heralds the arrival of spring with its showy, lavendar-pink flowers that typically open in April, long before the foliage emerges. Redbud is a native of the entire eastern half of the United States (except for New England), but is not found in Canada, as its scientific name implies. This ornamental tree is rapidly growing and usually multitrunked in the wild, having a vase shape with a rounded crown that reaches about 20 feet tall and 20 feet wide at maturity, when found in the open. However, since it is often located at the edge of woodlands, it commonly has a leaning growth habit, trying to grow into as much sunlight as possible.
As a member of the Bean Family, Redbud is also related to Honeylocust, Kentucky Coffeetree, Black Locust, and Wisteria, as well as other types of Redbuds. The Bean Family is also known as the Legume, Pea, or Pulse Family, and may go by the alternative scientific family name of Leguminosae. Many of this family's members are important vegetable crops as well as ornamental plants.
Planting Requirements - Redbud prefers deep, moist, organic, well-drained soils, but adapts to many less-than-favorable soils of either acidic or alkaline pH as long as they are not wet. It grows most rapidly and flowers most prolifically in full sun if adequate moisture is available during the heat of summer, but it is often found in partial sun to partial shade in nature. It can grow in zones 4 to 9, but occurs naturally in zones 5 to 9.
Potential Problems - Redbud grows rapidly and often lives about twenty years before it begins to decline or die, especially in urban situations where poorly drained, heavy clay soils predominate. Trunk canker is a serious disease of Redbud, and is evident as sunken depressions in the bark of large branches or trunks, which often begin to heal before the tree eventually dies. Verticillium wilt and root rot are two additional, serious pathogens that affect the roots (often due to wet soils) but become evident as entire branches rapidly die. Some pests (such as scales) may also cause problems, but the tree diseases sited above wreak havoc on Redbud and limit its lifespan.
The Redbud is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other seedlings include White Pine, Chinquapin Oak, Black Walnut, Hazelnut, and Flowering Dogwood. Also available this year are 2 varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer. And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
USDA funding renewable energy
2-11-15 WASHINGTON — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that rural agricultural producers and small business owners can now apply for resources to purchase and install renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. These efforts help farmers, ranchers and other small business owners save money on their energy bills, reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, support America’s clean energy economy, and cut carbon pollution. The resources announced today are made possible by the 2014 Farm Bill.
“Developing renewable energy presents an enormous economic opportunity for rural America,” Vilsack said. “The funding we are making available will help farmers, ranchers, business owners, tribal organizations and other entities incorporate renewable energy and energy efficiency technology into their operations. Doing so can help a business reduce energy use and costs while improving its bottom line. While saving producers money and creating jobs, these investments reduce dependence on foreign oil and cut carbon pollution as well.”
USDA is making more than $280 million available to eligible applicants through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). Application deadlines vary by project type and the type of assistance requested. Details on how to apply are on page 78029 of the December 29, 2014 Federal Register or are available by contacting state Rural Development offices.
USDA is offering grants for up to 25 percent of total project costs and loan guarantees for up to 75 percent of total project costs for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. The REAP application window has been expanded. USDA will now accept and review loan and grant applications year-round.
Eligible renewable energy projects must incorporate commercially available technology. This includes renewable energy from wind, solar, ocean, small hydropower, hydrogen, geothermal and renewable biomass (including anaerobic digesters). The maximum grant amount is $500,000, and the maximum loan amount is $25 million per applicant.
Energy efficiency improvement projects eligible for REAP funding include lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, fans, automated controls and insulation upgrades that reduce energy consumption. The maximum grant amount is $250,000, and the maximum loan amount is $25 million per applicant.
USDA is offering a second type of grant to support organizations that help farmers, ranchers and small businesses conduct energy audits and operate renewable energy projects. Eligible applicants include: units of state, tribal or local governments; colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning; rural electric cooperatives and public power entities, and conservation and development districts. The maximum grant is $100,000. Applications for these particular grants have been available since December 29 of last year and are due February 12.
The REAP program was created in the 2002 Farm Bill. Because of the success of the program, Congress reauthorized it in the 2014 Farm Bill with guaranteed funding of no less than $50 million in annual funding for the duration of the 5 year bill. The 2014 Farm Bill builds on historic economic gains in rural America over the past six years while achieving meaningful reform and billions of dollars in savings for taxpayers.
Since 2009, USDA has awarded $545 million for more than 8,800 REAP projects nationwide. This includes $361 million in REAP grants and loans for more than 2,900 renewable energy systems. When fully operational, these systems are expected to generate more than 6 billion kilowatt hours annually – enough to power more than 5.5 million homes for a year.
In 2013, owners of the Ideal Dairy restaurant in Richfield, Utah, used REAP funding to install 80 solar modules and two 10-kilowatt inverters, which convert energy from solar panels to electricity. The owners have saved, on average, $400 per month. These savings have helped them preserve their restaurant and livelihood.
President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities. USDA’s investments in rural communities support the rural way of life that stands as the backbone of our American values.
More information at the Rural Development WEBSITE HERE
Eastern Ohio Director: John Miller
21330 S.R. 676, Suite A
Marietta, Ohio 45750
Phone: 740-373-7113
Email: john.miller@oh.usda.gov
“Developing renewable energy presents an enormous economic opportunity for rural America,” Vilsack said. “The funding we are making available will help farmers, ranchers, business owners, tribal organizations and other entities incorporate renewable energy and energy efficiency technology into their operations. Doing so can help a business reduce energy use and costs while improving its bottom line. While saving producers money and creating jobs, these investments reduce dependence on foreign oil and cut carbon pollution as well.”
USDA is making more than $280 million available to eligible applicants through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). Application deadlines vary by project type and the type of assistance requested. Details on how to apply are on page 78029 of the December 29, 2014 Federal Register or are available by contacting state Rural Development offices.
USDA is offering grants for up to 25 percent of total project costs and loan guarantees for up to 75 percent of total project costs for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. The REAP application window has been expanded. USDA will now accept and review loan and grant applications year-round.
Eligible renewable energy projects must incorporate commercially available technology. This includes renewable energy from wind, solar, ocean, small hydropower, hydrogen, geothermal and renewable biomass (including anaerobic digesters). The maximum grant amount is $500,000, and the maximum loan amount is $25 million per applicant.
Energy efficiency improvement projects eligible for REAP funding include lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, fans, automated controls and insulation upgrades that reduce energy consumption. The maximum grant amount is $250,000, and the maximum loan amount is $25 million per applicant.
USDA is offering a second type of grant to support organizations that help farmers, ranchers and small businesses conduct energy audits and operate renewable energy projects. Eligible applicants include: units of state, tribal or local governments; colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning; rural electric cooperatives and public power entities, and conservation and development districts. The maximum grant is $100,000. Applications for these particular grants have been available since December 29 of last year and are due February 12.
The REAP program was created in the 2002 Farm Bill. Because of the success of the program, Congress reauthorized it in the 2014 Farm Bill with guaranteed funding of no less than $50 million in annual funding for the duration of the 5 year bill. The 2014 Farm Bill builds on historic economic gains in rural America over the past six years while achieving meaningful reform and billions of dollars in savings for taxpayers.
Since 2009, USDA has awarded $545 million for more than 8,800 REAP projects nationwide. This includes $361 million in REAP grants and loans for more than 2,900 renewable energy systems. When fully operational, these systems are expected to generate more than 6 billion kilowatt hours annually – enough to power more than 5.5 million homes for a year.
In 2013, owners of the Ideal Dairy restaurant in Richfield, Utah, used REAP funding to install 80 solar modules and two 10-kilowatt inverters, which convert energy from solar panels to electricity. The owners have saved, on average, $400 per month. These savings have helped them preserve their restaurant and livelihood.
President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities. USDA’s investments in rural communities support the rural way of life that stands as the backbone of our American values.
More information at the Rural Development WEBSITE HERE
Eastern Ohio Director: John Miller
21330 S.R. 676, Suite A
Marietta, Ohio 45750
Phone: 740-373-7113
Email: john.miller@oh.usda.gov
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Small Farm Conference March 13-14 Offers Expansion Options for Farmers
“Whether they are small farmers wanting to make their farms work better or landowners who are new to agriculture and are looking for ways to utilize acreage,” Nye said, “there is a strong interest in learning more about methods for diversifying their opportunities into successful new enterprises and new markets as a way to improve economic growth and development on their farms.”
To that end, Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will offer “Opening Doors to Success,” a two-day conference and trade show March 13-14 at Wilmington College’s Boyd Cultural Arts Center.
Read rest of article HERE
To that end, Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will offer “Opening Doors to Success,” a two-day conference and trade show March 13-14 at Wilmington College’s Boyd Cultural Arts Center.
Read rest of article HERE
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
3rd in a Series - Hazelnut (Corylus americana)
Hazelnut, one of several related large shrubs known for their tasty nuts that provide food for humans or wildlife, is found throughout Ohio along roadsides, in fields, at the edges of forest, and in fencerows, in dry or moist sites. Also known as American Filbert or Hazel, it develops a broad, rounded, strongly suckering growth habit with age. Hybrids have been developed with European Filbert that combine its superior nut quality and yield with the cold hardiness of Hazelnut.
Hazelnut will reach dimensions of 15 feet tall and 15 feet wide, becoming arching and spreading with age, but new vertical suckers keep its middle interior canopy dense. As a member of the Birch Family, it is related to the Alders, Birches, Hornbeams, and Hophornbeams, in addition to other Hazelnuts and Filberts. Hazelnut leaves are alternate, serrated, short-petioled, and normally broadly ovate to broadly elliptical. It has small immature green catkins (male flowers) in summer, often with a miniature reddish-brown female flower nearby. A few of the female flowers give rise to fruits wrapped in an outer, papery husk that covers one inner nut that serves as a food source for many mammals, maturing in early autumn.
Planting Requirements - Hazelnut is very adaptable to moist or dry, reasonably well-drained soils of variable pH and variable soil quality. It is found in zones 4 to 9, in full sun to partial shade (best nut production occurs in full sun).
Potential Problems - Hazelnut has several diseases and pests that may affect its bark or foliage, but none are usually serious.
The Hazelnut is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other seedlings include White Pine, Chinquapin Oak, Black Walnut, Red Bud, and Flowering Dogwood. Also available this year are 2 varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer. And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Winter is a busy time for SWCD offices
By Jonathan Roales, the natural resources technician for Harrison Soil and Water Conservation District.
Winter time for natural resources professionals is something that I have taken to calling meeting season.
I think of it this way because this is the time of year that we like to get together, review what we have accomplished in the last year, and make plans for the New Year. This can include many different things. Tree and fish sales get outlined, reports are submitted, meeting with other agencies are held and programing is developed for the coming year.
Does this mean we stop going out meeting with stakeholders and assisting in conservation efforts? No, not in the least. In fact some activities pick up.
Busy time
As the ground freezes and hardens, timber harvesting can go more smoothly with less impact on forest soils. As bats move to caves to hibernate and birds fly south for the winter, timber harvests can move forward without impacting these species. Winter also means many of our stakeholders are not working in the field as much. Work can get done on that tractor that only had a quick fix to get it through harvest last fall. Or if you are calving, hopefully you are in a warmer barn and not out trying to fix a frozen water line.
What goes on
While you probably know how agriculture and forestry activity changes in the winter, you might not know what programs your local or neighboring Soil and Water Conservation District has coming up.
Working closely with extension, ODNR, and the NRCS, Soil and Water Conservation Districts have been busy. Districts are planning activities for all ranges of people and if you do not see something that you would like to learn about, let them know. If they have for some reason been missing a chance to provide programing or assistance to the community how else are they going to find out?
Goes both ways
You can also help us too.
Ever get the neighbor that you see doing something not quite right or is always coming up to you with questions? Direct them our way. Despite our efforts to get the word out we still get people come in and ask what we do, so help us share our vision with our communities.
Now that is a question, right? What does a Soil and Water Conservation District do?
Our mission here at the Harrison SWCD is “to promote Stewardship by providing education and technical assistance to cooperators for the conservation of our natural resources”.
Wide range
Group events such as the Eastern Ohio Grazing Council, Crop Production Partnership, and Backyard food production will all have several meetings throughout the year. These meetings present topics that you can use to improve your property, help you make informed decisions, save you money, and might even feed you in the process. There are also workshops on wide ranges of topics like tree care, water quality, or there could even be a grazing school happening in your area. If your area does not have these specific programs, there might be something similar.
One on one
Soil and Water Conservation Districts provide technical assistance by working one-on-one with landowners. You, the landowner, get to contact us and use our knowledge and contacts to help you in conservation, usually for free. If we do not quite know about that specific project, one of our partners does and we can help get you in contact with them.
Where can we help you on our technical assistance? Timber harvest notice of intents, best management practices, nutrient management, design of farm practices, applications to help you fund projects, management plans, erosion control, planting advice, and more.
It does not matter if you live in a city or deep in the woods, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts can help.
Winter time for natural resources professionals is something that I have taken to calling meeting season.
I think of it this way because this is the time of year that we like to get together, review what we have accomplished in the last year, and make plans for the New Year. This can include many different things. Tree and fish sales get outlined, reports are submitted, meeting with other agencies are held and programing is developed for the coming year.
Does this mean we stop going out meeting with stakeholders and assisting in conservation efforts? No, not in the least. In fact some activities pick up.
Busy time
As the ground freezes and hardens, timber harvesting can go more smoothly with less impact on forest soils. As bats move to caves to hibernate and birds fly south for the winter, timber harvests can move forward without impacting these species. Winter also means many of our stakeholders are not working in the field as much. Work can get done on that tractor that only had a quick fix to get it through harvest last fall. Or if you are calving, hopefully you are in a warmer barn and not out trying to fix a frozen water line.
What goes on
While you probably know how agriculture and forestry activity changes in the winter, you might not know what programs your local or neighboring Soil and Water Conservation District has coming up.
Working closely with extension, ODNR, and the NRCS, Soil and Water Conservation Districts have been busy. Districts are planning activities for all ranges of people and if you do not see something that you would like to learn about, let them know. If they have for some reason been missing a chance to provide programing or assistance to the community how else are they going to find out?
Goes both ways
You can also help us too.
Ever get the neighbor that you see doing something not quite right or is always coming up to you with questions? Direct them our way. Despite our efforts to get the word out we still get people come in and ask what we do, so help us share our vision with our communities.
Now that is a question, right? What does a Soil and Water Conservation District do?
Our mission here at the Harrison SWCD is “to promote Stewardship by providing education and technical assistance to cooperators for the conservation of our natural resources”.
Wide range
Group events such as the Eastern Ohio Grazing Council, Crop Production Partnership, and Backyard food production will all have several meetings throughout the year. These meetings present topics that you can use to improve your property, help you make informed decisions, save you money, and might even feed you in the process. There are also workshops on wide ranges of topics like tree care, water quality, or there could even be a grazing school happening in your area. If your area does not have these specific programs, there might be something similar.
One on one
Soil and Water Conservation Districts provide technical assistance by working one-on-one with landowners. You, the landowner, get to contact us and use our knowledge and contacts to help you in conservation, usually for free. If we do not quite know about that specific project, one of our partners does and we can help get you in contact with them.
Where can we help you on our technical assistance? Timber harvest notice of intents, best management practices, nutrient management, design of farm practices, applications to help you fund projects, management plans, erosion control, planting advice, and more.
It does not matter if you live in a city or deep in the woods, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts can help.
Natural Resources,
Public Outreach,
Friday, February 6, 2015
2nd in a Series - White Pine (Pinus Stobus)
White Pine (Pinus strobus)
evergreen tree from the Pine Family (Pinaceae)
White Pine, an evergreen conifer, is today widely distributed
throughout eastern North America , including
all of Ohio .
It was originally confined to Appalachia , New England , and southern Canada at the time of European
settlement, and occurred primarily in northeastern Ohio . Today, it is logged for the production
of lumber, creosote-soaked telephone poles, and as pulp for the production of
paper. White Pine is commonly transplanted today as a landscape evergreen tree,
and is also sold as a cut Christmas tree.
Also known as Eastern White Pine, this towering evergreen easily
grows to 80 feet tall by 40 feet wide (or larger) under optimum conditions,
with a rapid growth rate. Its shape is upright pyramidal when young, but
becomes irregular with maturity. The very straight trunk of White Pine is
punctuated by a whorl of lateral branches every one to two feet, and from this
sequential arrangement, a close approximation of the age of the tree can be
determined (simply count the number of whorls from bottom to top). As a member
of the Pine Family, it is related to other Pines as well as the Firs, Larches,
Spruces, and Hemlocks.
Planting Requirements - White Pine performs best in evenly
moist, rich, well-drained, acidic soils in full sun. It is often intolerant of
soils that are alkaline in pH and poorly drained; therefore, the heavy clay
soils of much of central and western Ohio cause it to struggle in parts of this
region, while it often thrives in eastern Ohio. Needle chlorosis (yellowing)
and stunted growth are prime symptoms of a soil-related problem. Its rapid
growth rate allows for a quick result in terms of a harvestable timber tree, a
mature landscape tree, or as a cut Christmas tree. It grows in zones 3 to 8.
Potential Problems - In spite of thriving in many
natural settings, White Pine is very susceptible in urban settings to alkaline
soil pH (causing chlorosis, resulting in yellowing of the needles and stunting
of growth), winter salt spray, air pollution, compacted clay soils, and poor
water drainage. Young transplants and saplings are also subject to deer and
rabbit browsing in any setting. White Pine suffers from white pine blister
rust, a fungus that attacks the inner bark. This primary disease can be
controlled by removing all gooseberry and alpine currant shrubs within a
quarter mile of the tree, since they serve as alternate hosts. White Pine is
also attacked by the white pine weevil, which bores into the terminal shoots
and distorts the growth of the upper canopy. This primary pest may severely
impact mass plantings, such as those that occur in pure forests stands, nursery
plantations, and Christmas tree farms.
White Pine is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree
Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other
seedlings include Chinquapin Oak , Black
Walnut, Hazelnut, Red Bud, and Flowering Dogwood. Also available this year are 2
varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra
Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two
cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix
that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer.
And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and
houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank,
please call 740-435-0408.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Agriculture Groups: Farmers Already Making Efforts To Cut Fertilizer Runoff
Key agriculture groups said Wednesday that steps should be taken to minimize the growth of algae blooms in major Ohio bodies of water, but argued that efforts are already underway to limit fertilizer runoff from farm fields. The groups also told the Senate Agriculture Committee that sources other than farming play a role in the health of Lake Erie and other waterways. The witnesses appeared before the panel that is considering legislation (SB 1
) that makes a series of changes in laws regarding fertilizer use and other matters. The bill is a priority for the Senate, and a floor vote is expected on Feb. 18.

Adam Sharp, vice president of public policy for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, said having clean water and robust farming are not mutually exclusive because farmers have a proven record of adapting their practices to improve the environment. He said farmers are already voluntarily reducing phosphorous applications in the Lake Erie basin and are studying new on-field practices that can help prevent runoff. Mr. Sharp said OFBF has also been closely involved - and significantly invested - in a Healthy Water Ohio initiative that will help with research and training to get improved farming practices. He added that clean water can't come at the expense of food production and that farming can't trump the need for clean water. "We would suggest, too, that while we're looking at ways farmers can make changes to their practices over the long term, we look also at what additional fixes are appropriate to address other sources of phosphorus and to treat drinking water," Mr. Sharp said. "We need action items that can be done now as we continue work on long-term solutions."
Sen. Randy Gardner acknowledged there are a number of other factors besides farming that play a role in the health of Lake Erie and other bodies of water. As an example, he said Toledo is making strides in improving its wastewater treatment systems to limit sewage overflows into the lake.
Mr. Sharp also told the panel that a measure enacted last year (SB150, 130th General Assembly) will also significantly limit runoff issues from Ohio farms. He added that the impact of that bill has yet to be seen.
Chad Kemp, president of the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association, said the agriculture community is continuing to take steps to improve environmental outcomes. By using new technologies and conservation practices he has been able boost his crop production while using less fertilizer, he said. While agreeing that SB150 will have a positive impact, he said agriculture seems to be the "sole focus" of control efforts. He said farmers do prioritize environmental stewardship, but said other factors play a role in algae growth.
Adam Rissien of the Ohio Environmental Council offered support for the proposal, saying the group hopes additional improvements will be made to prevent another "water crisis" like the one that occurred in Toledo last summer. "SB 1 is a good first step to begin reducing agricultural nutrient pollution, and it signals a willingness to enact much needed protections that could be even better with some improvements," he said. "Regardless, SB1 represents real progress to help reduce the threat from harmful algal blooms and ensure cities like Toledo provide safe drinking water to its residents." Among other things, OEC is asking the committee to: Clarify exemptions to manure and fertilizer restrictions, especially for farmers who grow crops; Specify that violations of manure and fertilizer regulations are measured in single-day increments, not 30-day increments; Eliminate an emergency exemption for fertilizer applications; Remove a five-year sunset clause; and, Acknowledge that all watersheds would benefit from the bill's language.
Sen. Gardner said many of the provisions of SB1 were taken from last session's HB490, and will likely undergo changes.
Dave Spangler of the Lake Erie Charter Boat Association also urged quick action on the bill, telling the panel that many businesses that are tied to the lake were hurt by environmental issues last year. He said the algae situation has reached "a critical stage," with the lake now in "serious trouble." Mr. Spangler said the algae blooms have posed problems for charter captains and many others involved in the tourism industry. Further, he said the issue is causing a change in the ecosystem, with more desirable fish being overrun by less desirable species. He said the primary cause of the problem is phosphorous running off farm fields, calling for the panel to restrict the application of fertilizer of frozen and saturated fields. Mr. Spangler argued that saturated should also be defined to mean over-fertilized. Sen. Gardner said it is his impression that there is less phosphorous being used than in the past, but agreed that Lake Erie is a key asset for Ohio. "We need to protect Lake Erie, but we also need to promote it," he said.
Len Syrek of the Lake Erie Waterkeepers also added his support, saying tourism is down across the northern Ohio region. He pointed out that the lake is the final destination of much of the phosphorus that runs into streams and lakes.
Ed Albright of the Ohio Municipal League also offered brief testimony, asking the panel to remove language dealing with sewer and septic systems. He said OML has been working with a key House member on the issue since last session, and said the removal would provide additional time to iron out issues. Sen. Gardner said the request was being considered.
Sen. Cliff Hite, who chairs the panel, set a Feb. 12 deadline for amendments, but said ideas are welcome immediately. A committee vote on a substitute bill incorporating proposed changes is likely on Feb. 17, he said. Sen. Gardner told Sen. Lou Gentile he was unsure whether any cabinet agencies would testify on the bill, but said "there's some pretty good consensus" with the administration on the issue. Testimony from the hearing is available on the committee's website.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
First in a Series - Chinquapin Oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Chinquapin Oak is a spreading tree that is native to the greater Midwest, ranging downward to the deep South and over into the eastern edge of the Great Plains. In Ohio, it is scattered or absent in the northeastern quadrant of the state, is present in the northwestern and southern counties, but predominates in the southwestern counties that have an abundance of calcareous soils (that is, those high in pH and rich in limestone bedrock). It commonly grows in dry, upland sites but makes its best growth on rich, deep bottomlands. Its leaves may in some cases be almost lance-shaped and with their crenations pointing forward, somewhat resembling the flint arrows of Native Americans.
Chinquapin Oak is also spelled Chinkapin Oak, and is also known as Yellow Oak or Yellow Chestnut Oak. It grows to 60 feet tall by 80 feet wide when found in the open, often with wide-spreading lower branches of great diameter. As a member of the White Oak group and the Beech Family, it is related to the Beeches, Chestnuts, and other Oaks.
Chinquapin Oak has leaves that look like smaller versions of the foliage of Swamp White Oak. Leaves are alternate, glossy, oblong to slightly obovate, with margins that may be deeply crenate or shallowly crenate. Fall color is usually chartreuse to yellow-brown, but leaf drop is usually complete in late autumn
Its acorns are relatively small, but the tree is more easily identified in winter by its fallen acorn caps on the ground (and even some caps retained on the twigs), as they are small but wide, with a smooth inner lining that looks like a shiny bowl.
Planting Requirements - Chinquapin Oak prefers moist, well-drained, deep, rich, alkaline soils, but ironically is often found near the summit of hills or uplands in dry soils that may be rich, clay, sandy, or rocky. It also tolerates neutral to acidic soils. It thrives in full sun to partial sun (but is shade tolerant in youth) and is found in zones 4 to 8.
Potential Problems - Chinquapin Oak is subject to the usual array of pests and pathogens that can affect many Oaks, none of which are usually serious.
The Chinquapin Oak is one of 6 tree seedlings which will be offered in the 2015 Tree Sale held by the Guernsey Soil & Water Conservation District. Other seedlings include White Pine, Black Walnut, Hazelnut, Red Bud, and Flowering Dogwood. Also available this year are 2 varieties of standard pear trees; Potomac and Crispie. The sale will include Sierra Blueberries and Triple Crown thornless Blackberries. We will offer two cover crop seed mixes for gardeners; a Fall Cover mix, and new this year, a mix that can be interseeded into a producing vegetable garden in late summer. And as usual, the district has high quality all cedar birdfeeders and houses for sale. For more information and to receive an order blank, please call 740-435-0408.
Ohio Deer Numbers
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