Friday, March 1, 2019


The Guernsey County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) supervisors and staff recently participated in the annual “Conservation Partnership Meeting” held in downtown Columbus.  Over 500 conservation leaders representing Ohio’s 88 SWCDs, partners from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Ohio Department Natural Resources (ODNR), Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, The Ohio State University, agriculture commodity groups and environmental organizations and more were on hand during the two-day event centered around the theme, “Conservation Crusade:  Inspiring Stewards for the Future.”   
The meeting challenged attendees to identify and strengthen their commitment to conservation as each work to positively impact Ohio’s economy, environment, and future. Meeting participants networked, participated in thought-provoking workshops and breakout sessions, heard from Special Guest Speaker Jon Petz, key partners including USDA NRCS State Conservationist Terry Cosby, ODA Director Dorothy Pelanda, State Legislators and more. 

Employees and board members also attended a legislative meet and greet at the Ohio Statehouse on the 26th where they got the chance to talk with elected officials who represent us in Columbus. The district would like to thank Senator Brian Hill for his time and always going to bat for conservation here in Guernsey County. Pictured below is Terry Cosby NRCS State Conservationist, Levi Arnold of the Guernsey SWCD, Tom Price chairman of the Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission, and Dorothy Pelanda the Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

To learn more about the event and the great things Ohio’s 88 SWCDs are doing locally, contact the Guernsey SWCD at 740-489-5276 and/or contact the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts at (614) 784-1900 or at

Pictured L to R: Terry Cosby, Levi Arnold, Tom Price, Dorothy Pelanda

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