Anytime you plant a seed there are a few things to consider. It does not matter if it is grass seed for your yard, clover in your pasture field, corn in your crop field, or peas in your garden. There are steps you need to take in order to be successful in this endeavor. The information to make good decisions about your seeding will be covered during Successful Seedings. Topics to be covered include; soil types, basic fertility, seeding rates, herbicides, equipment, frost seeding, and soil health.
Every year seems to have its challenges when it comes to the topic of seedings. 2011 was wet, 2010 was dry, and what will 2012 bring? ‘Who knows’, is probably the best answer. Did your lawns, hay fields or pastures get beat up because of the wet weather and the mud it caused? Do you need to reseed some of those areas? What are the best plants for wet areas or dry areas? How deep should I place the seed? How much fertilizer do I need? These are a few of the questions that should go through your mind as you look toward this coming spring.
Maybe you don’t need to do a seeding at all. This program will also provide you with the information to help you manage what you currently have, potentially increasing the aesthetics of your property, the productivity of your operation and your bottom line. Start out the new year and set yourself up for success!
Please bring your questions and join Joe Lehman and Van Slack from the Guernsey Soil and Water Conservation District and Clif Little from OSU Extension for this program.
The Successful Seedings program will be held at the Guernsey SWCD office located at 9711 East Pike, Cambridge, Ohio on Thursday, February 2nd from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Reserve your spot by calling the Guernsey SWCD at 432-5624.

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