We invited the county commissioners and officials from the City of Cambridge and surrounding villages to come spend a morning with us, seeing some of the things the district has done in the community.
Front row: Supervisor Blaine Neilley, Cumberland council members Peggy Cunningham and Elizabeth Whited, Technician Van Slack(kneeling)
2nd row: Lisa Rodenfels, Program Administrator, Joe Lehman, Wildlife Specialist and technician, Mel Granberg, representing USDA-NRCS, Supervisor John Enos, and county commissioners Steve Allen and Steve Douglass.

Joe Lehman at the Salt Fork wetland area on Fairground Rd with Buckeye Trail FFA members, demonstrating netting of water insects to check for water quality. The district has a wide range of educational programs in area schools, working with all ages of students to teach the importance of our natural resources and how they can be used for today and conserved for tomorrow.

Van Slack demonstrating the enviroscape. This is an interesting, hands on way to teach the water cycle, and how the water we use is recycled and reused over and over. Van has done presentations for schools, civic organizations, and adult educational classes.
There were 2 tour stops on local farms, showing some of the practices that the district has assisted in installing. Exclusion fencing of streams and woodlands, a spring development, water pipelines and stock tanks to further distribute water, heavy use pads for winter feeding of livestock were included in the discussion.
The group stopped for lunch at the district's land lab, Moore Woods, and talked about its use in education and recreation.
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