Friday, September 24, 2010

Paul Bunyan Show next weekend

Come see us at the Paul Bunyan Show, October 1st,2nd & 3rd. Friday and Saturday from 8-5PM, and Sunday from 8-3PM. The PBS is held at the Guernsey County Fairgrounds

Thursday, September 23, 2010


at Moore Memorial Woods on Thursday, October 21 from 5:30 to 8PM. We're hosting a night hike for children six to sixteen.

There will be pumpkin painting, a weenie roast, and wildlife specialist Joe Lehman will lead a hike to call owls, and discuss the exciting things that happen in the woods while the kids are usually doing homework, watching TV, and sleeping. Space is limited to the first 30 kids. Bring an adult with you, since supervision is required, and besides, they will have as much fun as you will!

Call the district to get registered before October 15th, and get directions to the woods.

There is no charge, but you do need to register to attend.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guernsey County Fair Educational Display

Here is the display board showing some of the agricultural activities 400 thirdgraders from Guernsey & Noble county learn about each year during our program, Ag School Days.
Note the picture in the center with all the names of sponsors and supporters of this very important program.

All the "buzz" locally about Spotted Knapweed prompted this display showing some of the common invasives species in Ohio.

The macroinvertebrate display shows some of the species of insects that can be found in ponds and streams. The presence of these species can indicate the relative health of the water supply, as some species are more sensitive to polutants and to the oxygen level in the water.

Monday, September 13, 2010

What is an invasion plant species?

An invasive species is one that spreads and establishes over large areas and persists. Invasiveness may be characterized and enhanced by robust vegetative growth, high reproductive rate, abundant seed production, high seed germination rate, and longevity. They may crowd out and replace native species to the detriment of plant diversity.
Below is purple loosestrife, a plant that has escaped from cultivation in gardens. It now invades northern Ohio's wetlands, marshes, ditches, riverbanks and wet meadows, forming nearly pure stands. It spreads aggressively by underground rhizomes, and can produce up to a million seeds per plant.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plan to attend the Paul Bunyan Show!

Don't forget - mark your calendar for the Official Paul Bunyan Show held at the Guernsey County fairgrounds on October 1,2,& 3, 2010.
The district will be there and have its building open for you to visit and get information on forestry and woodland management in the county.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Guernsey County Fair approaches

Don't forget to stop by the Backyards for Conservation display at the Guernsey county fair during the week of September 13th. The district will have its outdoor display of plants to attract wildlife to your own backyard. We also have a small pond and waterfall.
Inside the garden building you'll find a display of macroinvertebrates, the "bugs" that live in our streams and ponds. By recognizing the types of "bugs" you can get a good idea of the quality of the water.
We will also have a display of different invasive plant species that plague Ohio and Guernsey county.
Stop by and talk to our staff and enjoy the displays!

Look who met us at the front door this morning