Do you have a good basic understanding of what fish and wildlife need to survive? You
probably do if you can answer the questions below correctly.
Choose only one answer for each.
1. Everything you do on your land affects wildlife.
a. True
b. False
2. What are the basic needs of wildlife? (choose best answer)
a. Food, water, cover and space
b. Food, water, and shelter
c. Food, water, and a place to raise young
d. Food, water, and winter cover
3. Which habitat statement below is most nearly correct?
a. What is good for one species of wildlife is good for all others as well.
b. Individual species have specific habitat needs.
c. Habitat you create for one species will be wrong for all others.
4. A soft, gradual transition from crop field to other habitat is better for more species than an abrupt change.
a. True
b. False
5. Rotational grazing helps birds as well as livestock.
a. True
b. False
6. The best conservation practices for fish and wildlife habitat include:
a. restored wetlands, streamside buffers and ponds
b. windbreaks, diverse grass plantings, and clean water
c. connecting corridors, and managed timber and grassland
d. All of the above
7. Which is not a good general rule for habitat plantings?
a. Prefer natives over exotics
b. Use a variety of plants
c. Create habitat away from water
d. Use plants that offer food and cover for wildlife
8. You may benefit grassland birds by discing old grass.
a. True
b. False
Did you
The original
name for the butterfly was
“flutterby”... ..many spiders
have eight eyes...pigeons
eyes are located laterally on
their heads, so they can view
340 degrees...a falcon can
see a 4” object from nearly a
mile away.
Answers: 1.a; 2.a; 3.b; 4.a; 5.a; 6.d; 7.c; 8.a
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