Friday, June 3, 2011


SOIL is a complex mix of ingredients: minerals, air,
water, many organisms, and the decaying remains of
once-living things. Soil make our lives possible. Our
houses and/or apartments are built on it, we play on
it, drive our cars on it, our food crops is grown in or
raised on it, our medicines are made from it, our
clothes comes from it, the water we drink is cleaned
with it, and the air we breathe wouldn’t be possible
without the plants and trees growing in soils. The
entire earth—every ecosystem, every living organism is
dependent upon soils!

Did you know that soil is alive! One tablespoon of soil
has more organisms in it than people on Earth. That's a
whole lot of life in a little bit of soil! It takes 500
years to form an inch of soil on top of the ground.
Wow — that’s a long time to make such a small amount!
In one gram of soil, there are over 5,000 different
types of bacteria. That is why soil is a key component
to develop our medicines! And, there are more than
70,000 types of soils in the United States!

Soil is also fragile. It erodes and breaks down due to
wind, rain, and various uses. Without the proper
management of our soils, food production, habitat,
development, and all other activities that use soil as a
key ingredient could be harmed!

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