2020 Guernsey County SWCD Cooperator
of the Year
A lot of things have been different this year, but one
thing that has not been canceled is conservation. Conservation is something
that needs to happen everyday no matter what is going on the world. The 2020
Cooperator of the year has been continually active in soil conservation and
proactive in stopping soil erosion and preventing nitrogen and phosphorus run
off. In the last 6 years Wilbur Galbraith has prevented an estimated 14,208
pounds of nitrogen and 2,592 pounds of phosphorus from finding its way into the
Wills Creek Watershed. Wilbur has done so by participating and signing up for
the Muskingum Watershed Conservation District’s Cover crop program. By planting
a fall cover crop after harvesting his beans and corn. Wilbur provides a root system
to help hold the soil in place during the fall rains, winter weather and wind.
Without the root system the soil would soon find itself out of the field and
possibly into the Wills Creek watershed. Galbraith farms has been a staple to the
northeastern end of the county for over 50 years. Wilbur and his family raise
corn, soybeans, and have a cow- calf operation, with a feed lot where he
finishes out fat steers. If you happen to see Wilbur out and about be sure to
congratulate him on all the effort, he has put towards conservation in Guernsey